Our Services
McAlpine Limited is one of the leading construction companies in the Cayman Islands. Over the past 50 years, McAlpine has been involved in many of the country’s most iconic buildings and infrastructure projects.
Over this period, McAlpine has built a reputation for high-quality construction, high standards for health and safety, and achieving Project timelines.
Our team of highly qualified, motivated and experienced staff and workforce have the ability to achieve success on varied construction projects in both the Private and Public sectors. The benefit of having our own resources allows us to control the quality and delivery of the final product.
Video courtesy of Ryan Dumaguing.
McAlpine offers a variety of services to the local market, which includes;
• General Contractor
• Construction Management Contractor
• Design and Build Contractor
• Concrete Frame Contractor
• Fit-Out Contractor
• Infrastructure Contractor
• Ancillary Services – Tower Crane Erection
Refer to Our Projects section for details and the range of projects we have undertaken over the past 50 years.